Sarah Brill - Social Change through Financial Wellbeing | Animas Social Impact Summit 2020 artwork
Coaching Uncaged

Sarah Brill - Social Change through Financial Wellbeing | Animas Social Impact Summit 2020

  • S11E5
  • 48:21
  • December 10th 2021

We all need to be willing to talk more about money and get rid of those feelings of embarrassment or the anxiety that often arises from doing so.

In fact, research suggests that British people would prefer to talk about politics, religion or sex, rather than talk about money. However, life goes on whether or not we are happy to talk about things we find embarrassing.

Currently, about 28.7 million working-age adults in the UK are not satisfied with their finances. No wonder – we live lives of ever-increasing financial complexity. We must deal with busy lives and the complexities of major financial decisions, as well as key life events such as bereavement, buying a home or nearing retirement.

Everything seems to influence the world of finance: from global political issues such as Coronavirus and Brexit to local issues like housing, schooling, and work prospects.

A growing body of evidence shows that anxiety about finances leads to poorer mental, physical, and social wellbeing and that this affects attendance and performance at work. In fact, those suffering from financial worries are 4.1 times more likely to be suffering from anxiety.

In my talk, we will be discussing how I use financial wellbeing strategies to support workplaces' physical and mental wellbeing, as well as tips on how to find and get involved in similar associations that promote social impact.

The Coaches Studio

If you're a coach, coaching supervisor or just plain interested in coaching, this podcast is for you.

The Coaches Studio is brought to you by Animas Centre for Coaching and features interviews with leading experts in the field including authors, researchers and practitioners. Along with interviews, we feature keynote presentations from Animas founder, Nick Bolton, and other guests.

Exploring the psychology, philosophy and practice of coaching, this podcast will provide a rich learning space for all coaches.