The Humanistic Tradition in Transformative Coaching artwork
Coaching Uncaged

The Humanistic Tradition in Transformative Coaching

  • 52:09
  • March 14th 2022

The humanistic tradition is central to coaching and to transformative coaching in particular. Yet in many ways, it is often only loosely understood in the coaching profession whilst being more fully developed and considered in other fields such as psychotherapy and counselling.

In this second presentation of the Transformative Coaching series, Nick will consider the topic of “The Humanistic Tradition in Transformative Coaching”.

Taking a brief historical tour over the key thinkers and practitioners in this field, he will draw out the journey that coaching has been on to reach its current state.

He’ll consider notions of self-actualisation, the primacy of the phenomenological experience, the unfolding nature of being and the vital nature of relationship, as he builds a more detailed picture of the humanistic tradition.

Finally, he’ll explore what this means for transformative coaches in particular and where they can encounter unexpected challenges with their own personal, deeply-held assumptions about personal growth and change and notions of accepted truth.

The Coaches Studio

If you're a coach, coaching supervisor or just plain interested in coaching, this podcast is for you.

The Coaches Studio is brought to you by Animas Centre for Coaching and features interviews with leading experts in the field including authors, researchers and practitioners. Along with interviews, we feature keynote presentations from Animas founder, Nick Bolton, and other guests.

Exploring the psychology, philosophy and practice of coaching, this podcast will provide a rich learning space for all coaches.