Listening for the Whisper of God When You are Weary artwork
Coffee Chats with Diane Nix

Listening for the Whisper of God When You are Weary

  • S3E2
  • 26:43
  • October 15th 2021

There is a time in every ministry wive's life where it seems like you can't hear God's voice. Maybe it's the noise of busyness that ministry life can bring with it or the stress of supporting an entire family while supporting an entire church family. In any case, everyone is going to go through seasons where God's voice is not as loud as you would like it to be.

In this episode of Coffee Chats, Diane shares moments in her life where she was experiencing the same exact thing as she learned how to get quiet and tune her ears to hear the Whisper of God. You too can learn from this episode how to do the same, because it is the most valuable spiritual skill that any believer will learn.

So grab your favorite mug, fill it with something hot, and press play to hear Episode 2: "Listening for the Whisper of God When You are Weary."

Coffee Chats with Diane Nix

Coffee Chats is a show hosted by Diane Nix talking to women in ministry addressing what no one else will: the expectations that church culture places on a woman who chooses to support her husband in the ministry.

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