Pandemic Issues and Brokeness with Diane Nix artwork
Coffee Chats with Diane Nix

Pandemic Issues and Brokeness with Diane Nix

  • S1E12
  • 17:45
  • May 30th 2020

In Episode 12 of Coffee Chats, Diane seeks to help ministry wives cope with the COVID-19 pandemic as the nation begins to open back up for business. The world has seriously changed and ministry wives need to understand how they can deal with a "new normal." Diane shares insights from her own personal experience in hope's to bring light to some of the problems that ministry wive's could be facing as the world tries to start spinning again.

Coffee Chats with Diane Nix

Coffee Chats is a show hosted by Diane Nix talking to women in ministry addressing what no one else will: the expectations that church culture places on a woman who chooses to support her husband in the ministry.

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