Putting Fear In It's Place with Donna Gaines and Maureen Gray artwork
Coffee Chats with Diane Nix

Putting Fear In It's Place with Donna Gaines and Maureen Gray

  • S1E4
  • 1:04:38
  • April 2nd 2020

In light of the COVID-19 epidemic going on around the world, Diane has shifted her focus for the next several episodes to address a common emotion that almost everyone has dealt with recently and that is Fear. Today we welcome our guests Donna Gaines and Maureen Gray to talk about how they are putting fear in it's place with their families and ministries. Grab a cup of coffee and listen in on how you too can be free from fear in these uncertain times we find ourselves in.

Coffee Chats with Diane Nix

Coffee Chats is a show hosted by Diane Nix talking to women in ministry addressing what no one else will: the expectations that church culture places on a woman who chooses to support her husband in the ministry.

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