When Your Landscape Changes with Diane Nix artwork
Coffee Chats with Diane Nix

When Your Landscape Changes with Diane Nix

  • S3E1
  • 19:17
  • September 18th 2021

Every woman goes through that moment in her life where things change. In some instances, it happens over time and in others, it happens instantly. The biggest question one may ask is "What do I do?" In this episode of Coffee Chats, Diane goes through several moments where the Landscape changed in her life and she figured out several steps to navigate through those hard decisions that she wants to share with you today.

So grab your favorite mug, fill it with something hot, and press play to hear Season 3's opener "When Your Landscape Changes."

Coffee Chats with Diane Nix

Coffee Chats is a show hosted by Diane Nix talking to women in ministry addressing what no one else will: the expectations that church culture places on a woman who chooses to support her husband in the ministry.

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