Introduction To Coming To Our Senses artwork
Coming To Our Senses

Introduction To Coming To Our Senses

  • 24:38
  • October 9th 2020

This is an AWESOME introduction episode to our new podcast... which is all about exploring the different modalities we can use to get the most out of life.

Coming To Our Senses

International keynote speaker and author Rafaele Joudry MSc (Psych.) along with biohacking expert, NLP trainer and self-confessed human crash test dummy Sarkis Doueihi explore different modalities to improve the way we listen, think, feel and live.

The sensory pathways are a miraculous vehicle we have been given, not just for experiencing the world, but for healing and enriching the body, mind and spirit.

Each week Sarkis and Rafaele are joined by industry experts to explore the latest advancements in nutritional, physical, medical and electronic techniques to elevate the way we live with ourselves, each other and the world we live in.

Isn't it about time we Came to Our Senses?