RelationSLIPs | Greed Vs. Generosity artwork
Cornerstone Church

RelationSLIPs | Greed Vs. Generosity

  • S2E4
  • 39:56
  • January 4th 2025

Relational IOU’s brought about by unresolved guilt cost us vulnerability,  authority, and health.


The best relationship principles taught by the experts come straight from the relationship values taught by Jesus. Perhaps the most surprising thing is that my relationships, both with God and with others, are most directly affected by unresolved issues inside my heart—you know, that invisible, mysterious, confusing, wonderful part of each of us that enables us to love, laugh, fear, and experience life. It’s the place where relationships are built - and broken. The unresolved issues in your heart will eventually work their way to the surface and seep into your relationships. When I think of my most embarrassing moments and my biggest regrets, more often than not they have something to do with my relationSLIPs. The time to address the slippage is now.


For message notes, and to check out the rest of this series, check out our archive page:

Cornerstone Church

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