We all wait.
We wait in lines. We wait for mail. We wait for news. It can all feel very ordinary, mundane.
But how we wait is important. We can choose to wait - not in boredom, anxiety, or dread - but in hopeful anticipation. Every winter the season of advent beckons us and gently reminds us to look beyond our immediate circumstances to something more. To consider the future with joyful expectation. To embrace life in the “not yet” with hope, joy, peace, and faith. There is great beauty, not just in the Promise fulfilled, but in the waiting. Romans 15:13
Joseph shows us how to face doubt with hope. Dead ends are the perfect place for a new beginning. What starts as disappointment may be our destiny.
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Cornerstone Church
We are Cornerstone. We exist to help people find the Father, a Family, and a Fulfilling Future. Whatever your circumstances - single, married, with or without children - and no matter where you’ve been or what you’ve done, you matter to God. Thanks for checking us out! We're glad you're here.