Unraveling the Secrets of Dreams with Benjamin "The Dream Wizard" Davidson artwork
Coup Save America

Unraveling the Secrets of Dreams with Benjamin "The Dream Wizard" Davidson

  • S3E5
  • 2:05:18
  • March 27th 2024

Did the act of dreaming bring about religion?

Sean’s Monologue – “The Poor People’s Campaign”

Tune in today to learn that everything you’ve heard about dreaming is true…sort of. Benjamin Davidson – The Dream Wizard – joins us to unravel the mystery of dreams and other human “thought experiences.” With two decades of work in the mental health field behind him, Benjamin has turned his attention to everything dreaming – from acting as a curator, collector, and publisher of historical dream research to recording his podcast of dream analysis – Dreamscapes.

Benjamin talks about what got him interested in dreams, why we dream, strangers in dreams, and what is the definition of a “dream.” He tells us about different states of consciousness, why he doesn’t believe in dream dictionaries, and why some people – like The Dream Wizard himself – seldom remember their own dreams.

Sean and Benjamin discuss how a person can stop reoccurring nightmares, and they look back on Benjamin’s career as a mental health professional in the emotionally challenging field of emergency room intake. Then the two discuss the future of brain science, bringing up both exciting and dangerous ideas about how humans might one day be able to change their own brains. Benjamin talks about the proven scientific way of looking at dreams vs. what he affectionately calls the “Spooky-woo side”, ultimately defining himself as a “credulous skeptic” when it comes to prophetic dreams and other unknowns. Sean brings up the question of whether a person’s dreams can diagnose a physical or mental disorder.

Finally, Coup Save America producer, Mckenzie, joins the conversation as Benjamin helps her analyze a dream about reptiles and a serial killer.

 Visit www.BenjaminTheDreamWizard.com for episodes of the Dreamscapes Podcast and to explore the many book titles Benjamin has published on Amazon.

Coup Save America

Coup Save America is a weekly talk show hosted by Sean St. Heart that plants the mental seeds of social change by inciting a politically progressive coup of knowledgeable citizens to challenge the status quo. Each episode focuses on a specific issue, featuring expert guests and interviews with the people who are most affected by the problems in our country. The show uses a sociological approach to raise awareness, ponder solutions, and consider the various perspectives. Coup Save America hopes to create an avenue for our nation to reach its potential for greatness! 

Coup Save America is a radically left-wing expose on America that uses facts, humor, and intellectual wit to expose the myths surrounding the great western democracy that exists only in the heavily propagandized lore of American history-i-fiction. Each show features in-depth analysis of America’s anti-democratic domestic and foreign policies, a breakdown of the week's news and events that are either ignored or misrepresented by western media, information on the latest crimes emerging from the district of corruption, coverage of the wars and global conflicts being waged unbeknownst to the America people, and a depressingly comedic rundown of the political insanity emanating from both the left and right-wing spectrum. 

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Sean St. Heart
Show Host

    Sean St. Heart is a sociologist, philosopher, and staunch advocate for social justice who strives to give voice to the immense social issues and problems affecting our world. Sean is the co-founder and vice president of Charitable Humans, a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt non-governmental organization working to advance the prospects for purposeful and systemic social change. In addition to his involvement with the nonprofit, Sean is also a freelance investigative journalist and talk radio show host who is passionate about exposing corruption and challenging the biased, and often corporate influenced, narratives which pollute the mainstream news and media ecosystem.