Finding the Customer Friendships You Didn't Know You Had, with Kasper Tvernø Hartvigsen of Hobbii artwork
Customer Friendship™ Conversations

Finding the Customer Friendships You Didn't Know You Had, with Kasper Tvernø Hartvigsen of Hobbii

  • S1E2
  • 32:39
  • April 26th 2023

Today's customer experience hero is Kasper Tvernø Hartvigsen. Kasper is Head of Customer Success at Hobbii, the one-stop shop for yarn-lovers around the world.

Hobbii pride themselves on having everything someone might need for their next knitting or crocheting project, all in one place. And their yarn heroes are leading the industry!

And after you hear Kasper's knowledge and expertise, you'll agree that he proves himself to be the friend we didn’t know we had.


Thanks to Cofruition for consulting on and producing the show. You can learn more about Hobbii at or head to to learn more about Customer Experience as it's meant to be!

Customer Friendship™ Conversations

What’s the secret to creating loyal customer relationships that last? 

Customer Friendship Conversations by Dixa brings you the latest trends, tools and insights for delivering customer service ‘as it’s meant to be’.  In each episode, host Ciaran Nolan sits down with a customer service ‘hero’ revealing their story and tips for building long-lasting bonds with their customers. If you’re a business owner, a customer service pro, or just someone who’s curious about the world of customer experience you’re in the right place. 

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