Episode 117: Life After The Scale - How To Measure To Increase Success artwork
Cut The Fat Weight Loss Podcast

Episode 117: Life After The Scale - How To Measure To Increase Success

  • E117
  • 55:05
  • February 14th 2020

She who does not measure, does not want to be held accountable. It is VERY difficult to succeed with weight loss without a solid plan for measuring your progress. That being said, the scale is simply not enough! You must open up the toolbox and find other tools that you can use to evaluate progress beyond your weight. In this episode we'll discuss how to build a measurement strategy that increases your likelihood of success.

Cut The Fat Weight Loss Podcast

Cut The Fat Podcast is dedicated to helping you achieve your weight loss goals using science-based tactics and strategies. It's our mission to help people navigate the often times complex and conflicting information surrounding fitness, weight loss, and health. Besides helping people to achieve their weight-loss goals we also want to help people achieve that goal without having to resort to guilt as a mechanism for motivating yourself to achieve it. In addition, it's not enough that we just achieve weight loss. We also want to help people live a healthier and more energetic life. If you have starting your journey of losing weight and getting fit and need some weight loss motivation, this podcast will deliver on that promise. Aside from advice on diet, exercise, and lifestyle, we also spend a lot of time discussing motivation and mindset around losing weight and building fitness permanently into your life.