Selfish or Self Preservation? An interview with Ms. Shanrae Price artwork
Dating After Divorce

Selfish or Self Preservation? An interview with Ms. Shanrae Price

  • E11
  • 40:00
  • October 26th 2021

How do you define selfish vs. self-preservation? How can you protect your heart and mind? Learn how to heal from a one-sided relationship. Fall in love with yourself.

When should you get help? When should you walk away? How can you identify if your the one being selfish?

Learn the answers to these questions and more in today's episode with Insha and Ms. Shanrae Price.

Dating After Divorce

Hello and welcome to Dating after Divorce. The show that gives you wisdom nuggets to help get your dating life back on the RIGHT track. My name is Insha (eesha) Caldwell A.K.A Thawailnwall (Tha Wailn’ Wall).

I bring, for listening pleasure, my scars and my pain from a multitude of failed relationships. I’m here to give you the benefit of what I’ve learned from, what I’ve lost through improper teachings, perverted viewpoints, complete misunderstandings, as well as one sided understanding. 

I want to save you time, energy, pain and unnecessary stress or loss from all of the above. So, sit down, take notes and pay attention; ‘Cause all those bags you’re carrying are about to hit the dumpster for good!!! Thank you for letting me share. 

About Insh Caldwell

Thawailnwall hails from the beautiful city of Pittsburgh. 

She’s a mother, grandmother (excuse us Grand MiMi), twice self published author of “Thawailnwall presents Mind Juice, Hydration for the Brain “ and her most recent release a personal biography “Fat ,Black, and a Woman: The Life and Times of Me” both found on Kindle Amazon.

Her tumultuous upbringing coupled with her turbulent adulthood fueled a passion to shield others from hurt, harm and danger. Though she’s far from perfect, she understands better how to cultivate a healthy relationship over a destructive relationship.

Let her guide you along the path to better, stronger healthier relationships; beginning with the one you have with yourself. She hopes you enjoy the show.


Fat, Black and a Women in ebook format is still available on Kindle Amazon at: Or search by author name (Insha Caldwell) and get your copy today!