How Do You Come Across? with Adam Hunt from White Label Comedy
- S1E29
- 29:47
- June 3rd 2020
Have you ever noticed that most social media posts from businesses are boring as hell!?
Sure they might have an large audience but that doesn't mean they are engaged.
That's why your messages should be engaging, it put your business front of mind and also increases the ability of that content, with your brand, being shared!.
On this episode of the punkcast, I talk to the awesome Adam Hunt, who leads a troupe of comedians and writers into creating the best messages for businesses. Generate more engagement, more traffic, more leads and sales from simply being funny!
How do they do it?
You should check out the podcast to find out!
Find out more about Adam and White Label Comedy
Don't forget if you want to contact me, email me at [email protected]
Digital Marketing Punkcast
Get the answers to all your digital marketing questions in cheeky bite-sized podcast chunks.
Hi, I'm Tom and I'm a digital marketing director for an digital agency in Wigan and I want to help you make better marketing choices!
If you are setting up on your own, going freelance or perhaps your a blogger. You will want to be maximising your knowledge of digital marketing.
BUT! We are all SUPER busy!
That's where these 'cheeky bytes' come in I will answering the digital marketing questions I get asked everyday, plus I'll be answering the questions that you send me. All in under 10 minutes each episode!
If you can spare 10 minutes a day, super charging your digital marketing it will help you grow.
As always with the Digital Marketing Punkcast, there will be no bulls**t and no digital voodoo. Just simple actionable advice and answers to your questions.
- Google / Social Ads
- Social Media Marketing
- Email Marketing =
- Content Marketing
- Podcasting
- ... You ask the question and I'll answer it.
If you want to send in a question, you can email me at; [email protected]