Dominated by DUA LIPA - 5 Years of Dua Lipa artwork

Dominated by DUA LIPA - 5 Years of Dua Lipa

  • S2E61
  • 46:27
  • June 16th 2022

This week, Dom Pop submits itself to the birth of an icon as we take a (shallow) dive into the debut self-titled studio album from future superstar DUA LIPA - which was released 5 years ago this month. We talk through our journeys with Dua and track her path to superstardom in 2017.

ALSO discussed: LADY GAGA's recent Joker-musical-sequel news, XYLØ's stellar new album 'Unamerican Beauty' & track updates on BETTY WHO's forthcoming album 'Big'!

AT THE SPA: HALSEY (So Good), DEMI LOVATO (Skin of My Teeth), PALE WAVES (Reasons to Live), THE ACES (Girls Make Me Wanna Die), MOTHICA (Blood), TOVE STYRKE (Lies), XYLØ (Unamerican Beauty), and LIZZO (Grrrls).

NEXT WEEK: 5 Years of 'Felt' by THE CHAIN GANG OF 1974!


A plane headed to the Grammy's is going down, there's only one parachute, which pop star do you save? Join renowned homosexuals Quincy and Hayden every Thursday as they discuss latest trends, releases and throwbacks to some of pop's most dominant moments. Each episode consists of POP culture's latest hits, a trip to the S.P.A. where newly released songs are heralded as 'Smashes, Passes, or Asses', and a culminating deep dive into the album of the week! Ultimately, Dom Pop is a quasi-hour of laughs, questionable puns, and an endless, unabashed celebration of pop music.