This week we're swiping our keycard to Access All Areas of FLO's aptly titled debut album. Throughout our track-by-track, we discuss the record's rich vocal textures, the ad-libs to end all ad-libs and the secret sauce that makes this girl-group group so well.
ALSO discussed: the Wicked of it all & the categories for this year's DOMMY AWARDS!
At the SPA: LAUREN MAYBERRY (Crocodile Tears), ROSEMARY JOAQUIN (28), MICHAELA JAE (Wasting My Time), LO LAUREN (Before the Kiss), LITANY (Jelly Tot), BEACH BUNNY (Clueless), and BONAVEGA (Power Trip).
Next Week: 10 Years of 'Talking is Hard' by WALK THE MOON!
A plane headed to the Grammy's is going down, there's only one parachute, which pop star do you save? Join renowned homosexuals Quincy and Hayden every Thursday as they discuss latest trends, releases and throwbacks to some of pop's most dominant moments. Each episode consists of POP culture's latest hits, a trip to the S.P.A. where newly released songs are heralded as 'Smashes, Passes, or Asses', and a culminating deep dive into the album of the week! Ultimately, Dom Pop is a quasi-hour of laughs, questionable puns, and an endless, unabashed celebration of pop music.