A Leader Goes Where God Guides artwork

A Leader Goes Where God Guides

  • E26
  • 27:52
  • August 8th 2019

We are just a couple months away from our annual leadership conference. This conference is really one of the best ways to get connected to the EDA Move family and to grow as a leader.

This year's theme is Revive. Speakers like Jenni Key, Women and Prayer Director from EVFree Fullerton, Kevin Kompelien, EFCA President, and Joe Henseler, Lead Pastor of Faith Church in Allentown, PA, will be talking about revival in the heart of the leader, revival in the church and revival in our communities.

It's going to be such a good couple of days. Register here or check out the full schedule for all the details.

Today's episode is a throwback to one of our keynote speakers from last year's conference - Cedrick Brown, Lead Pastor of Commitment Community Church in New Jersey, with Leaders Go Where God Guides.


The EFCA East podcast is a podcast all about church leadership, ministry strategies, and personal growth. Our episodes feature practical ideas, resources, stories, and encouragement through audio blogs, events and interviews.

We're to help you live well, lead well, and multiply.

More than an organization, EFCA East is a movement of like-minded leaders who want to impact our vast and diverse region with the love of Christ.

Our churches are spread across a geographically and culturally diverse section of the Northeast including New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Delaware, Maryland, Virginia and our nation's capitol


We are connected and growing together - committed to seeing each other thrive for the sake of the Gospel.