Receiving, Responding To, and Leveraging Reviews For Your Church artwork

Receiving, Responding To, and Leveraging Reviews For Your Church

  • E51
  • 09:17
  • February 18th 2020

Have you ever written a review for something online? Maybe it was something you loved and you just wanted every one to know that the product or service was amazing. Or maybe you had such a bad experience with something that you felt like it was your civic duty to tell people to stay away. Whether you've written one or not, we live in an age where reviews carry weight. People read Yelp reviews before they make a reservation at a restaurant. Readers buy books based on the ratings on Amazon. So what if your church gets a bad review? In today's episode, Emily Anthony shares two recent reviews for Faith Church where she works that she encountered on Google and how she responded. Spoiler alert, one wasn't so hot.

Mentioned in this episode --> Alejandro's story

Full transcript -- >


The EFCA East podcast is a podcast all about church leadership, ministry strategies, and personal growth. Our episodes feature practical ideas, resources, stories, and encouragement through audio blogs, events and interviews.

We're to help you live well, lead well, and multiply.

More than an organization, EFCA East is a movement of like-minded leaders who want to impact our vast and diverse region with the love of Christ.

Our churches are spread across a geographically and culturally diverse section of the Northeast including New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Delaware, Maryland, Virginia and our nation's capitol


We are connected and growing together - committed to seeing each other thrive for the sake of the Gospel.