A Conversation with Michael Sandler artwork
Embodied with Anne Bérubé

A Conversation with Michael Sandler

  • 1:11:50
  • October 22nd 2019

Michael Sandler

Michael Sandler is either the luckiest or unluckiest person we’ve ever had on the podcast - depending on your perspective. He’s survived multiple near death experiences, heartbreaking set-backs, and incredible accidents. Despite it all, he is a bubbling cauldron of contagious optimism and faith.

Michael is a best selling author, a coach, and the hosts of Inspire Nation, one of the top self-help and spirituality shows in the world! With a multi-faith background, a voracious appetite for self-help and a journey full with heavy doses of the best and worst luck.

Anne and Michael discuss the importance of living in the moment, getting guidance from the inside, and the embodiment of the divine in all of us.

You can find him all over the internet, but you can start here:

iMeditations.com inspirenationshow.com automaticwriting.com


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Got a question for Anne? You can submit your question, by text, audio, or video at the soultribehub.com. It could be featured on a future episode.

This episode was supported by: Golden Realty Group (www.soldongold.ca) One UP Fitness (www.oneupfitness.ca) Soul Tribe Live (www.soultribe.com)

Special thanks to Glass Tiger for the Theme Song, “This Is Your Life.” (www.glasstiger.ca)

Anne Berube Ph.D. is a bestselling author and spiritual teacher who helps people reclaim the power of their authentic self through. Discover more at www.anneberube.com

Embodied with Anne Bérubé

Podcast by Anne Bérubé