Nancy Levin is a kickass human being, poet, bestselling author of five books, and a beloved host on Hay House Radio.
In this heart to heart conversation, Nancy talks about life with Louise Hay, Wayne Dyer and Debbie Ford. And what it has meant to lose three of her close friends, colleagues, and mentors.
She discusses parental and societal conditioning, marrying a narcissist, finding her way out of unhealthy relationships, maintaining boundaries, and thriving as a leader in the field of transformative coaches.
Nancy is a Master Integrative Coach who studied under the legendary Debbie Ford. When Ford passed away, Nancy sought to carry her torch and share the powerful Shadow work she had learned from her mentor.
Today, she trains coaches to connect with the guide and teacher within, the one they were born to be.
You can find information about her coaching program here: https://www.nancylevin.com/
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This episode was supported by: Golden Realty Group (www.soldongold.ca) One UP Fitness (www.oneupfitness.ca) Soul Tribe Live (www.soultribe.com)
Special thanks to Glass Tiger for the Theme Song, “This Is Your Life.” (www.glasstiger.ca)
Anne Berube Ph.D. is a bestselling author and spiritual teacher who helps people reclaim the power of their authentic self through. Discover more at www.anneberube.com
Embodied with Anne Bérubé
Podcast by Anne Bérubé