Guided Meditation: Embodying Our Light and Finding Safety in the Root Chakra artwork
Embodied with Anne Bérubé

Guided Meditation: Embodying Our Light and Finding Safety in the Root Chakra

  • 11:20
  • March 14th 2019

This meditation is meant to restore a sense of safety in your body and to attune and cleanse your Muladhara chakra, the root chakra. A powerful healer friend of mine, Dimitri Polityko, shared with me the powerful healing music he uses with his clients. The music is designed to vibrate in resonance with a healthy root chakra. As you tap into the element of earth, which corresponds with the root chakra, let the music permeate your body and receive its healing properties. The music improves sleep and alertness while decreasing and removing stress, especially if stress is the result of a conflict. Improvements toward quality of life include higher energy levels, discovering new interests and enhanced sexual activity.

Embodied with Anne Bérubé

Podcast by Anne Bérubé