The Spectacular Mission of Eric L. Dunavant and His Winding Journey to Becoming a Faith-Based Entrepreneur. artwork
Doctor Entrepreneur Podcast

The Spectacular Mission of Eric L. Dunavant and His Winding Journey to Becoming a Faith-Based Entrepreneur.

  • 44:05
  • January 2nd 2023

For over two decades, Eric L. Dunavant has been redefining access for purpose-driven families and business owners.

Eric is a “Mindset Disruption Strategist,” which is a coach, mentor, and partner who helps blend the worlds of finance, family, and mindset to create the life you’ve been striving for.

Eric is an author, speaker, consultant, serial entrepreneur, and philanthropist who has been featured in a variety of media outlets such as the New York Times, Wall Street Journal, and Business Insider. Eric has worked with top wealth advisors and received multiple awards and accolades in the area of business and finance. 

Eric has dedicated his life to his family and the fight against world poverty. His greatest passion is to empower those on the path to abundance and create transformation that lasts for generations.

Tune in or read the corresponding blog post to hear about Eric’s inspiring story, the challenges he has faced in life, and how those challenges have shaped him to become a stronger entrepreneur.

“Big Entrepreneur 3”

Utilize Audiobooks to Multitask.

As a faith-based entrepreneur, Eric often feels like he needs to be studying God’s word but he doesn’t know what to do. Maybe you’ve run into similar problems, pledging to read the Bible this year only to get to Leviticus and find yourself too bored to read the whole thing. The minute Eric gave up the idea that he could only consume the Bible by reading it was a very freeing moment for him. He’s learned that listening to audio tapes of the Bible as he works out is a great way to knock out two birds with one stone. Some people might think that this makes it difficult to listen to everything in great detail but, in Eric’s opinion, the same goes when he’s reading—he often feels distractible and as though reading doesn’t leave him feeling fully connected. 

Learning From the Past

Anyone who is successful and has made breakthroughs has also gone through very painful experiences. And, by studying the mistakes of others, we can hopefully avoid following in those same footsteps—which is the point of this segment. 

So, how can we learn from Eric’s past? If you tune in or read the corresponding blog post, you’ll hear about a season of Eric’s life when he was chasing lots of wealth and his relationships weren’t as healthy as he wanted them to be. Worst of all, he was so unhappy with his relationship with his wife that he had an affair. This was 24 or 25 years ago, and it taught Eric a lot. Likewise, the lessons he learned can be relevant to us as well.

If Eric could offer a younger version of himself some advice, he’d tell him, “Trust the setbacks, because the setback is the setup.” If he could go back in time, he’d change absolutely nothing. Eric is content where he is right now, but he knows he wouldn’t be where he is now without the dark seasons. The good, the bad, and the ugly are what brought him to where he currently is. So, if he could talk to the young Eric, he’d tell him to buckle up and learn as many lessons as he can when the challenges inevitably come.

Don’t Stop Here!

If you’re aspiring to be like Eric, he has a piece of advice: “If it’s not broken, then break it.” In Eric’s opinion, the entire finance industry is based on the philosophy of either fear or greed. It’s between scaring someone to buy something or giving them the fear of missing out (otherwise known as “FOMO”) so they become convinced to buy something out of greed. Everyone is thus forced into a mindset of scarcity, fearing that they’re missing out on something. 

Doctor Entrepreneur Podcast

If you are a Health Care Professional that wants to grow their business or make an impact beyond the four walls of your practice, then this is the podcast for you. Dr. Glenn Vo will be connecting with Entrepreneurs and Industry Leaders to not only share their stories but to share their pearls of wisdom to get you inspired.