3 Ingredients for Food Startup Success with Jamie Valenti-Jordan
- S2E3
- 1:12:33
- November 23rd 2023
We're delighted to present Jamie Valenti-Jordan, a dedicated advocate for food startups and the ingenious CEO behind Catapult Commercialization Services. With a colorful background spanning from engineering at Georgia Tech to studying at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, Jamie's career has been anything but linear. His unique journey has led him to found Catapult, a national services group that primes food and beverage startups for success.
In our in-depth conversation, Jamie dishes up a hearty portion of wisdom covering everything from the minutiae of marketing to the logistics love/hate relationship. He shares his experiences, from his roots in engineering to his adventures in the food startup space, revealing just what it takes to whip up a successful startup in this vibrant industry.
Take a seat at our table as we delve into the strategies that fuel Catapult and explore how Jamie's diverse background nurtures his recipe for startup success. We promise you'll walk away feeling well-fed with knowledge! Do join us for more servings of success, right here on Entrepreneurial Excellence. Remember to hit Subscribe to stay in the know of all things entrepreneurial!
Entrepreneurial Excellence Podcast
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