Getting Offers at Top Consulting Firms Regardless of Your Background with Davis Nguyen artwork
F*ck College Podcast

Getting Offers at Top Consulting Firms Regardless of Your Background with Davis Nguyen

  • E19
  • 43:19
  • November 3rd 2022

An ex-consultant who consults aspiring consultants land a job at a top management consulting firm.

If I didn't lose you just there, this is what Davis Nguyen has been doing since 2017! He and his team have helped over 600 people land their dream job.

Before becoming an entrepreneur, Davis grew up in one of the poorest neighborhoods in the US and was raised by a single mother who never finished school. Despite attending at the time what was called “the worst school system in the U.S.,”

Davis eventually received full scholarships to Yale and Harvard. After graduating from Yale, he worked as a management consultant at Bain before joining Jumpcut, a Y-Combinator-backed education startup, and eventually founding his own company, My Consulting Offer.

If you want to connect with Davis, you can find more on or email him directly at ([email protected])

And if you want to get the latest update about me or the F*ck College podcast, you can link up with me on Instagram @Ericzyang.eth

F*ck College Podcast

Welcome to the F*ck College podcast - hosted by Eric Z Yang, a 24 year old serial entrepreneur who built multiple 6-figure online businesses without a college degree.

This podcast is designed for aspiring entrepreneurs looking for practical tools & strategies to grow their online business, authority, and email list without needing an overpriced college degree or MBA.

On this podcast you will learn about content marketing, speaking engagements, virtual summits, networking, personal branding, content marketing, podcasting, funnels, social media strategies & mindset to start building your dream lifestyle and business.