Dealing With Depression & Anxiety As An Entrepreneur: Advice To My Younger Self artwork
F*ck College Podcast

Dealing With Depression & Anxiety As An Entrepreneur: Advice To My Younger Self

  • E7
  • 23:58
  • July 10th 2020

Sharing some thoughts and advice on this episode on strategies I wish someone had told me when I first started.

Depression, anxiety, and limiting belief are emotions every entrepreneur goes through on a daily basis.

Especially when you pour your heart, energy, time and money into a project you believe in, it is really easy to be crippled by fear to not experience the pain of failure.

The truth is, fear has and will always be on the back of the mind of every entrepreneur.

And being able to deal with those emotions is what is going to make a difference in your business.

I believe that mindset contributes 80% of your entrepreneurial success.

Being able to take action, fail fast, recover, and start taking action again is the real battlefield ~ and mindset is the weapon every entrepreneur needs to master.

F*ck College Podcast

Welcome to the F*ck College podcast - hosted by Eric Z Yang, a 24 year old serial entrepreneur who built multiple 6-figure online businesses without a college degree.

This podcast is designed for aspiring entrepreneurs looking for practical tools & strategies to grow their online business, authority, and email list without needing an overpriced college degree or MBA.

On this podcast you will learn about content marketing, speaking engagements, virtual summits, networking, personal branding, content marketing, podcasting, funnels, social media strategies & mindset to start building your dream lifestyle and business.