Life As a Fitness Coach In Thailand with Darren Liu artwork
F*ck College Podcast

Life As a Fitness Coach In Thailand with Darren Liu

  • E21
  • 1:00:07
  • April 6th 2024

From being a restaurant owner during COVID to becoming a fitness coach helping busy professionals achieve their dream body...

I've sat down with Darren Liu (@DarrenLiuFitness) to talk about his journey from 0 to 160k followers on Instagram and why he chose Thailand as his new home base.

In this episode, we also talked about

➡️ Why Darren decided to invest $20,000 in a business coach when he was getting started

➡️ What advice he would give to his younger self new to Bangkok

➡️ Strategies to build a great network when coming to a new city.

And if you want to get the latest update about me or the F*ck College podcast, you can link up with me on Instagram @Iamericzyang

F*ck College Podcast

Welcome to the F*ck College podcast - hosted by Eric Z Yang, a 24 year old serial entrepreneur who built multiple 6-figure online businesses without a college degree.

This podcast is designed for aspiring entrepreneurs looking for practical tools & strategies to grow their online business, authority, and email list without needing an overpriced college degree or MBA.

On this podcast you will learn about content marketing, speaking engagements, virtual summits, networking, personal branding, content marketing, podcasting, funnels, social media strategies & mindset to start building your dream lifestyle and business.