57: The Solution to Creeping Tyranny artwork
Everyday Samurai Life

57: The Solution to Creeping Tyranny

  • E57
  • 48:00
  • May 12th 2024

Unravel the complexities of maintaining liberty in the face of political and bureaucratic safety measures which are building a police state.

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There is a dangerous triad of collusion contributing to creeping tyranny: those who provide excuses, those who supply means, and those who aspire to seize power.

The solution is an organized, armed & disciplined population actively involved in executing the law, repelling invasions & suppressing insurrections, including upon the rogue officials violating the terms of their delegated functions.

This includes a reading from Dr. Edwin Vieira, Jr.'s book, By Tyranny Out of Necessity: The Bastardy of Martial Law.

Martial virtues, aligned with consitutional design, are a means of asserting dignity and the antidote to parisitism, predation, and those pushing global socialism.

This conversation is not just an analysis but a call to action, urging listeners to harness their mindset and subscribe to a program of ongoing improvement to secure the blessings of a Free State.

Join us as we dive deep into these pressing issues and explore potential solutions to resist the encroachment of tyranny while maintaining our cherished freedoms.

Don’t miss Ken’s insights on how technologies like Bitcoin can offer ways to overcome control. Subscribe to Everyday Samurai, and let’s empower ourselves to be vigilant defenders of liberty.

Everyday Samurai Life

In service to securing your liberty and the security of a free state! A former cop and military combat veteran examines samurai related martial arts, personal empowerment, and the principles of political economy as a path to liberation.

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Ken Yamarashi

Ken Yamarashi is the host of the popular Everyday Samurai podcast, dedicated to the intersection of liberty, security, mindset, martial arts, and political economy. With each episode, Ken explores complex themes with an insightful and accessible approach, engaging his audience in thought-provoking discussions in order to build a community of "enlightened warriors" that are in service to liberty and the security of a Free State.

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