62: The Cartel's War of Terror artwork
Everyday Samurai Life

62: The Cartel's War of Terror

  • E62
  • 30:37
  • June 15th 2024

A reading and commentary on Dr. Edwin Vieira, Jr’s By Tyranny Out of Necessity: The Bastardy of Martial Law, Chapter 3, Part 4, discussing how the “haves” are expropriating and immiserating the “have nots” and the “used to haves” using fear as a justification.

The political caste cannot deliver on the “freedom from want” and, therefore, must resort to the “freedom from fear” by constantly inventing new justifications for the citizens to render ever more emergency powers. Centralization of power is just cover for resource grabs, central planning, and population control. 

It warns against the building of a police state and the erosion of civil liberties in the name of national security, emphasizing the need for individuals to resist political encroachment and the unjust exercises of governmental power. The war on terrorism has become a war of terror, waged through elaborate ruses against We The People with tyrannical designs. 

However, We The People are “the government” and are duty bound to execute the law, repel invasions, and suppress insurrections in order to secure a Free State where everyone enjoys private property, individual liberty, and the freedom of association and exchange. We The People can arrest the criminal behavior of rogue official if, and only if, each individual embraces the warrior disciplines and contributes to the maintenance of constitutional order. 

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Everyday Samurai Life

In service to securing your liberty and the security of a free state! A former cop and military combat veteran examines samurai related martial arts, personal empowerment, and the principles of political economy as a path to liberation.

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Ken Yamarashi

Ken Yamarashi is the host of the popular Everyday Samurai podcast, dedicated to the intersection of liberty, security, mindset, martial arts, and political economy. With each episode, Ken explores complex themes with an insightful and accessible approach, engaging his audience in thought-provoking discussions in order to build a community of "enlightened warriors" that are in service to liberty and the security of a Free State.

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