Ep59: The Reasons Behind Martial Governance artwork
Everyday Samurai Life

Ep59: The Reasons Behind Martial Governance

  • E59
  • 34:56
  • May 25th 2024

A reading and commentary on Dr. Edwin Vieira's By Tyranny Out of Necessity: The Bastardy of Martial Law, Chapter 3, Part 1.

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We explore the changing landscape of conflict due to technological advancements in 3D printing, drones, and artificial intelligence, emphasizing the importance of studying armed martial arts for developing situational awareness and an understanding of combat geometry.

We discusses the potential imposition of martial law in the United States and the need for individuals to be prepared for the full spectrum of threats so that every citizen can contribute to securing a Free State with their martial capacity. This is the true, political purpose of the Second Amendment and the right to keep and bear arms.

Consider the motives and personalities behind the expansion of a national police state apparatus and the potential catastrophic events that could lead to martial law, particularly amid the potential collapse of international monetary and banking systems, hyperinflation, and even more civil unrest.

This all leads back to the importance of personal training, discipline, preparation, and awareness in navigating the current situation while having the practical means for maintaining liberty for ourselves and posterity.

Everyday Samurai Life

In service to securing your liberty and the security of a free state! A former cop and military combat veteran examines samurai related martial arts, personal empowerment, and the principles of political economy as a path to liberation.

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Ken Yamarashi

Ken Yamarashi is the host of the popular Everyday Samurai podcast, dedicated to the intersection of liberty, security, mindset, martial arts, and political economy. With each episode, Ken explores complex themes with an insightful and accessible approach, engaging his audience in thought-provoking discussions in order to build a community of "enlightened warriors" that are in service to liberty and the security of a Free State.

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