63: Elite Overconfidence in Martial Governance artwork
Everyday Samurai Life

63: Elite Overconfidence in Martial Governance

  • E63
  • 28:32
  • June 22nd 2024

Closing out the reading and commentary on Dr. Edwin Vieira, Jr’s By Tyranny Out of Necessity: The Bastardy of Martial Law, Chapter 3.

Liberty requires discipline, both individually and communally. It’s not enough to speak of wanting an ideal, you have to do the work to achieve it. Yet there are always excuses and distractions to be overcome, and self-delusion is one of the greatest obstacles to effective action. Securing a Free State is a rather straightforward matter of following clearly spelled out constitutional provisions for money and security and justice functions. 

The problem is with follow through. It requires an organized, armed, and disciplined population actively checking and arresting the corrupt ambitions of rogue public officials that abuse the political power entrusted to them. All of these problems flow from widespread apathy to the civic responsibility of executing the law, repelling invasions, and suppressing insurrections. 

Self-government requires engagement, and personal discipline, just like a free market in arms, is the necessary pre-condition to enjoying the fruits of liberty. Actively seeking discomfort in mind, body, and spirit is part of the training. Being clear on a goal and noticing the gap from where you are to where you want to be can help motivate, so long as you don’t look away or seek distractions. 

Personal discipline is the necessary ingredient in your own martial training, success in every area of life, as well as maintaining constitutional order among a federation of republics. 

There is a way to right the ship of government. The Way is in training. It starts with your daily choices.

Powerful push-button meditation:


Everyday Samurai Life

In service to securing your liberty and the security of a free state! A former cop and military combat veteran examines samurai related martial arts, personal empowerment, and the principles of political economy as a path to liberation.

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Ken Yamarashi

Ken Yamarashi is the host of the popular Everyday Samurai podcast, dedicated to the intersection of liberty, security, mindset, martial arts, and political economy. With each episode, Ken explores complex themes with an insightful and accessible approach, engaging his audience in thought-provoking discussions in order to build a community of "enlightened warriors" that are in service to liberty and the security of a Free State.

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