Roses are Red: The Sinister Side of Valentine's Day Folklore
- 15:51
- February 8th 2020
Sending mean cards? Eating mashed earthworms? Using jack o’lanterns to light medieval love banquets? They’re all surprising yet vaguely sinister ways to celebrate Valentine’s Day.
Find out more about the weird and sometimes sinister traditions of Valentine's Day in this episode!
See the images on the blog post here: https://www.icysedgwick.com/valentines-day-folklore/
Check out the blog post about roses here: http://www.icysedgwick.com/roses-folklore/
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Fabulous Folklore with Icy
Fabulous Folklore will give you your weekly fix of fabulous folklore in fifteen minutes (or less)!
Hosted by fantasy and Gothic horror writer, Icy Sedgwick, the podcast explores folklore, legends, superstitions, mythology, and all things weird, occult and unusual.