#77 Delegating all the Responsibility to Future You artwork
Feminine & Fierce

#77 Delegating all the Responsibility to Future You

  • E77
  • 13:28
  • November 30th 2022

New Year New Me... I'll lose the weight then. It's in the too hard basket to lose weight leading up to Christmas.

So we make the decision that 'next year' will be MY year to lose all my unwanted fat.

But in that decision, we end up 'dumping' all the responsibility on our future selves, and not taking any of that responsibility now - we eat ALL the things at the Christmas parties, we over-indulge at all the festive gatherings - because, well, you know - FUTURE me will take care of it. That's HER problem.

What if there was a solution to taking on a bit of the responsibility now?

I hope you enjoy x

Feminine & Fierce

Are you ready to finally lose that unwanted weight, get strong, change your body composition, and feel empowered?

This podcast is all about teaching busy women how to

  • move to be STRONG
  • THINK on purpose
  • eat for LIFE

Lose the weight for good by changing how you think, how you move and how you eat.