Twists, Turns, and God Winks - Whitney Shepard artwork
Finding Joy in Life's Sticky Moments

Twists, Turns, and God Winks - Whitney Shepard

  • 38:18
  • January 26th 2022

Whitney's story starts like any other. She left her home town of Augusta to go to school, find her passion, and start a career. However, before she could even finish school, her first Sticky Situation reared its head. Now, after going through 4 incredibly tough situations, she talks about maintaining hope, joy, and looking for God throughout her journey.

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Finding Joy in Life's Sticky Moments

Finding Joy in Life's Sticky Moments is a podcast coming from Reid Memorial church in Augusta Georgia and hosted by Joy Maple. Joy sits down with women of the congregation to talk about how they've faced and overcome difficult challenges - their sticky moments - and lays an inspiring path for those facing hard time to follow.

Join us to hear inspiration stories from strong, inspirational people. For the full experience video podcast, go to YouTube and subscribe there as well!