Food Inflation - The Complicated Reality of Rising Prices artwork
Food Slain

Food Inflation - The Complicated Reality of Rising Prices

  • S8E10
  • 31:35
  • March 25th 2022

Inflation. It can be complicated for all of us. We have to navigate through rising prices and the declining value of the dollar, simultaneously. And the outcomes can be serious.

The reality is, we are in an inflationary cycle right now. Global food prices are up 47%* and here in the U.S., food prices are up 7.4%** within the past 12 months, with some foods increasing in price by double digit percentages. It's crazy.

But, why?

Well, part of the reason is debt. The increase in Federal interest rates just went up and the other part of the reason is the dollar just doesn't buy as much as it used to. Oh, and let's not distribution and supply chains are impacted by high fuel costs, and fertilizers have doubled or tripled in price, making the production of food for farmers even more expensive.

Inflationary cycles happen in debt based economies, but the last time we were facing this kind of "across the board" inflation was 40 years ago in 1982.

There's still hope, and some time before things all fall apart, so make sure to listen in to find out how you can "beef up" your resilience and make a valiant effort at making it through the storm.

Thanks for listening to the Season 8 Finale, and sharing with someone you love.

WARNING : There may be parts of this episode that are upsetting to some of you...

*UN Global Food Price Index

**U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics

Food Slain

Food Slain digs deep into our dirty food supply chain, wrought with ingredients, chemicals and additives that are compromising our health, our environment and our economy. Listen in, and let's see if we can find clean, honest and healthy food somewhere along the way. Hosted by food lover, food slayer (chef), food grower (permaculture farmer) and food truther (author & investigator), Michele Thorne.

Learn more on the website at

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