Interview Dr. Tanei Ricks on The Science - Who Can We REALLY Trust? artwork
Food Slain

Interview Dr. Tanei Ricks on The Science - Who Can We REALLY Trust?

  • S8E5
  • 1:17:34
  • February 4th 2022

In this episode, we’re talking about The "Science", with one of my favorite podcast guests who has earned a PhD in Bio Organic Chemistry.

He’s been to the show before, first talking about corn and also talking about fluoride (which if you haven’t listened to either of those episodes, you should) and this time, we’re talking about “the Science”...something that is ever present in our lives now for the past two years.

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Food Slain

Food Slain digs deep into our dirty food supply chain, wrought with ingredients, chemicals and additives that are compromising our health, our environment and our economy. Listen in, and let's see if we can find clean, honest and healthy food somewhere along the way. Hosted by food lover, food slayer (chef), food grower (permaculture farmer) and food truther (author & investigator), Michele Thorne.

Learn more on the website at

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