Alex Leonard has travelled the world and created some amazing content along the way.
His work in Sri Lanka inspired him to create his documentary Humans and Elephants, where he discusses the effects of eco-tourism on the environment.
In our interview, he shares how the documentary came to be and how creative content helps connect audiences to the emotion behind your cause.
More About Driven: trustdriven.com
AL Media : https://www.alexleonardmedia.com/
Humans and Elephants: https://www.alexleonardmedia.com/docu...
Pollinator Pathways Project: https://www.pollinatorpathwaysproject...
Full Podcast Transcript: https://www.trustdriven.com/blogs/alex-leonard-on-content-creation-for-a-cause
More Episodes of Fundraising Superheroes: https://www.trustdriven.com/podcast-list
Fundraising Superheroes
Driven’s Fundraising Superheroes podcast celebrating the nonprofit industry and all the people who are working to make the world a better place. We talk with the industry’s top leaders, consultants, founders and more to discuss the top industry trends and lessons learned throughout their careers.
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