Emma Lewzey Explains Why Introverts Make the Best Fundraisers  artwork
Fundraising Superheroes

Emma Lewzey Explains Why Introverts Make the Best Fundraisers

  • S1E92
  • 28:28
  • July 6th 2022

Are you an introverted fundraiser struggling to fit into an extroverted world? Don’t worry because Emma Lewzey has your back! 

Introverts have an observant nature, which allows them to be excellent listeners who have the ability to thrive in the right environment. These skills enable introverts to connect deeply with donors to undercover their passions, goals and interests, which is essential for effective fundraising. 

As a major gift expert, Emma Lewzey has helped organizations like yours build and grow successful, sustainable fundraising programs. She joins the show to share why introverts make the best fundraisers and how to avoid burnout in extroverted environments.

Connect with Emma 



Read About Introverted Fundraising 



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Fundraising Superheroes

Driven’s Fundraising Superheroes podcast celebrating the nonprofit industry and all the people who are working to make the world a better place. We talk with the industry’s top leaders, consultants, founders and more to discuss the top industry trends and lessons learned throughout their careers.

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