The Cookbook Podcast - Donna Cravotta
- S2E42
- 1:01:10
- December 4th 2023
Donna Cravotta, the CEO and Founder of Cravotta Media Group, is a trailblazer in the world of brand storytelling. With decades of experience, she has reimagined her business to empower authors, speakers, and small business owners to harness the power of their stories, blending traditional strategies with cutting-edge technology to connect with their ideal audiences.
And… she’s my next guest on GasStoveCreativePresents: The Cookbook!
Donna's innovative Mix Tape-brand story video reels, BeVisible.club community, and The Real 50 over 50 project spotlighting inspiring women are revolutionizing the way individuals share their narratives and achieve visibility.
Join us on our podcast as Donna Cravotta shares her wisdom on crafting compelling brand stories and leveraging innovative strategies to connect with your ideal audience.
Here are the links:
Website: https://gasstovecreative.com/the-cookbook-podcast/
YouTube: https://youtu.be/BeTtN54wfz0
Vimeo: https://vimeo.com/890072220?share=copy
Connect with Donna here:
And we can be found where all the podcasts live! Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Google, Amazon, et al!
As always, please subscribe, like, and share!
#GasStoveCreativePresentsTheCookbook #TheCookbookPodcast #GasStoveCreative #DonnaCravotta #BrandStorytelling #VisibilityRevolution
The Cookbook: Recipes for Marketing & Business Success
Join me! Let's open the Cookbook together!!! And...it's not a cooking show! 😂. Our guests share their stories of how they became the successes that they are. They also share some of the struggles that they've had! This is for people thinking about becoming entrepreneurs, as well as seasoned entrepreneurs. I hope you all enjoy watching/listening to this as much as I'm enjoying interviewing my guests!
Until then...go out and find what lights YOUR fire!