Music artwork
Gen Gap


  • S1E2
  • 29:43
  • October 8th 2022

In this episode, Sienna and Neil chat about their favourite music and the positive impact music has had on their lives.

Gen Gap

Different genders. Different generations. Same podversation topics.

Join Sienna (1990s woman) and Neil (1960s man) as they present their views on a range of topics.

Sienna avatar
Young Female Host

I am a freelance journalist and broadcaster, currently based in the outer suburbs of Melbourne, Australia.

This is my first podcast and look forward to chatting to Neil about a range of topics.

Neil avatar
Not-so-young Male Co-Host

I am a broadcaster and podversation host, based in the beautiful regional city of Geelong.

I am looking forward to representing my gender and generation when chatting to Sienna.