Happy New Year!
Chris is joined for the second time by Andrew Gardiner.
First up; the pair discuss why rents are increasing at such a pace in Manchester City Centre.
Andrew gives his views on why occupiers in serviced offices find it hard to take the next steps into taking more conventional space and what Landlords should be doing to make it easier.
They also discuss the increasing trend for developers to be building and refurbishing buildings around transport hubs and why.
Is too much effort put into reception design at the expense of the actual office space?
Finally, predictions are made for 2020 on Grade A rents, city centre yields, the Six Nations and GB's potential gold medal haul in this year's summer Olympics.
Glenbrook is a a privately owned investment & development property company located in Manchester City Centre.
The podcasts provide the Glenbrook team an opportunity to discuss a whole host of topics with though leaders in the real estate market and beyond.
Welcome feedback in terms of content and ideas for future podcasts.