For my grandchildren, and anyone else who has an interest: 75 years of reading, exploration and thinking condensed into an alphabet of 26 conversation starters for kids and adults, to help light the way in a rapidly changing world.

Grandpa Ron’s Alphabet: Thoughts to Light Your Way in a Changing World

For my grandchildren, and anyone else who has an interest: 75 years of reading, exploration and thinking condensed into an alphabet of 26 conversation starters for kids and adults, to help light the way in a rapidly changing world.

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"It takes me back to another time."

- K. Sheehan

"What a wonderful gift to leave your grandchildren and all of the rest of us, too!" 

- B. Elliott 

"Magical & magnificent."

- L. Sine

"Good job, Grandpa." 

- M. Slipp