How Airtable Found Product Market Fit (It's Not What You Think) artwork
Growth Marketing Stories

How Airtable Found Product Market Fit (It's Not What You Think)

  • E48
  • 34:01
  • September 19th 2021

In this episode, I wanted to share Airtable's Product Market & Growth story.

We discussed:

3:19 - How did Zoelle figure out Airtable's use-cases?

4:21 - What was happening before finding PMF?

5:48 - How did they figure out early growth?

5:49 - What does reverse churn mean for Airtable?

11:20 - Why Airtable focused on customer success teams early on?

15:38 - Having so many use-cases and personas, how did you think about nailing it down?

17:48 - What were some acquisition strategies you focused on that gave a good ROI?

20:02 - How did you reach out cold to different enterprises?

22:09 - What is the framework that you learned from Airtable's PMF story?

24:46 - What were the early Aha and activation moments?

27:35 - How did you figure those moments out?

31:34 - Where some mistakes you made while achieving the PMF that others should not do?


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Growth Marketing Stories

Growth Hacking is BS. There’s no quick way of making tons of money in the short term. Instead, we should focus on growth stories and growth flywheels. I believe you have to wait it out and do consistently smaller experiments, and initiatives to grow business as a growth marketer. This show is for growth marketers.

This is a show about growth marketing stories, where we explore how growth marketers and their case studies explore deeply what’s really moving their business needle and to get inspired.

Every week we’ll focus on one inspiring story that will tickle your creative neurons to find inspiration for your own work. 

This is Growth Marketing Stories.