#04 The ingredients for amazing video content artwork
Growth Show

#04 The ingredients for amazing video content

  • S1E5
  • 27:17
  • April 23rd 2019

Kim Dormann is co-founder and managing director of Redpinata, a Hamburg-based video production company for high-quality moving image content of all sizes. The North German media entrepreneur has learned the use of voice, emotions and feedback from the audience as a musician, the economic thinking for companies in his time as a foreign trade merchant. The graduate designer acquired his sense for aesthetics and his understanding for the design of communication during his studies as well as during his years as a web developer. Since 2010 he has been self-employed with Redpinata, one of the first video content creators worldwide, where he connects authentic media with brands and channels and helps to serve interaction and demand with relevant video formats. In this episode we will talk with Kim about the ingredients for a great video, underestimated video channels and more.

Growth Show

The Growth Show is a business podcast all about growth.

The hosts Sebastian Kunz and Serhat Kaya are exploring the topic from different perspectives with different guest speakers. Especially from the personal as well as business perspective of their speakers. The speakers are mostly successful entrepreneurs with an amazing track record, growth hackers, practitioners of interesting marketing tactics and growth hacks, coaches and other amazing and interesting people with different backgrounds and experience.

How it began: Like all great stories Sebastian and Serhat were sitting in a bar and talked about different stuff. Until they realized, that they both are interested in hosting a podcast. So they teamed up and tried to figure out what topic would be interesting. Somehow it ended up in the topic growth. All in all the idea of this podcast is to figure out how a podcast works and how podcasts can be grown.

Official LinkedIn Group for discussions about the topic Growth: https://www.linkedin.com/groups/8795377/

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