In this episode of the Growth Show we have the pleasure to talk with Roman Kirsch, a Berlin based entrepreneur by day and an investor by night.
We are talking with Roman about:
- his greatest AHA moment
- the growth story of Lesara
- Leadership challenges and managing 300+ employees
- his investment approach as business angel
- and much more
More about Roman Kirsch:
Roman is a global entrepreneur (Casacanda, Fab, Lesara, Amorelie) and investor in 25+ companies (including Fitvia, Flowerchimp, SevenSenders, PlusDental, MoBerries). Roman started his first company at the age of 15, selling Hanseatic clocks to souvenir shops.
After studies at WHU Otto Beisheim and the London School of Economics, Roman started his first tech company Casacanda, a European online destination for home & decor products in 2011. The company was sold to Fab.com after only 7 months.
From 2012 onwards Roman co-founds and invests in many successful consumer internet companies through his private internet holding company Rapid Pioneers Group. The portfolio of over 25 companies raised more than $300m in follow-on capital and employs over 1.000 people.
Growth Show
The Growth Show is a business podcast all about growth.
The hosts Sebastian Kunz and Serhat Kaya are exploring the topic from different perspectives with different guest speakers. Especially from the personal as well as business perspective of their speakers. The speakers are mostly successful entrepreneurs with an amazing track record, growth hackers, practitioners of interesting marketing tactics and growth hacks, coaches and other amazing and interesting people with different backgrounds and experience.
How it began: Like all great stories Sebastian and Serhat were sitting in a bar and talked about different stuff. Until they realized, that they both are interested in hosting a podcast. So they teamed up and tried to figure out what topic would be interesting. Somehow it ended up in the topic growth. All in all the idea of this podcast is to figure out how a podcast works and how podcasts can be grown.
Official LinkedIn Group for discussions about the topic Growth: https://www.linkedin.com/groups/8795377/