S2E3 - Seven Tips for Writing Helpful Content for Patients artwork
Health Nonprofit Digital Marketing

S2E3 - Seven Tips for Writing Helpful Content for Patients

  • S2E3
  • 12:00
  • May 19th 2022

Most website visitors are time-strapped and inundated with information when researching health information, making it hard to determine which sources to pay attention to.

It can be tough for them to find a trustworthy source when it comes to their health. With all of the conflicting information out there, how can they know which site to believe?

In this episode, Spencer outlines seven tips for writing helpful content for patients. These tips will help you earn a visitor's trust and encourage them to stick around your site and explore.


Health Nonprofit Digital Marketing

Are you a nonprofit marketing and communications leader responsible for reaching and engaging people with health issues? Join host Spencer Brooks of Brooks Digital in a series of in-depth conversations with nonprofit marketing leaders and experts who discuss the unique challenges of marketing in the health issue space.