EP #2 - A Resilience Framework artwork
Heartland Strong - Pathways to resilience

EP #2 - A Resilience Framework

  • 14:26
  • November 29th 2019

Farmers live complexity every day and researchers struggle to find a simple framework that can cover all of the aspects that affect rural resilience. The ‘Heartland Strong’ research team needed to build a world-leading interdisciplinary framework to bring social and physical science together.

In this episode, host Denise Beswell, speaks to Bill Kaye-Blake, who is an agricultural economist and is also one of the co-authors of the book ‘Heartland Strong’ about why existing research frameworks could not have applied to this project.

Bill explains the importance of government policy ‘rural proofing’ it’s thinking to avoid unintended consequences.

For the transcript and video of this episode, please visit : https://www.agresearch.co.nz/resilient-rural-communities

To purchase a copy of the book :

Heartland Strong - Pathways to resilience

Based on the world-leading a multidisciplinary research 'Resilient Rural Communities', AgResearch (New Zealand) have showcased their research on rural resilience in a paper-back book and now a multi-media podcast series with a selection of projects to demonstrate the research's key findings and profile the authors.

For more information, visit https://www.agresearch.co.nz/resilient-rural-communities