Everything I Learned From My Mother About Money artwork
Homely Economics

Everything I Learned From My Mother About Money

  • S1E6
  • 08:47
  • May 26th 2020

My mother has taught me a lot about life, but not always in a direct way. Here are 5 lessons on everything I learned from my mother about money.

Read the original post here: Everything I Learned From My Mother About Money

Homely Economics

Welcome to the Homely Economics podcast!

On this show, we're going to be talking about all things personal finance, including frugality, family, and the philosophy of money. My name is Lee, and I write at HomelyEconomics.com.

Homely Economics is a UK-based personal finance blog and podcast, but the principles of home economics we discuss are universal. To find out more, visit Homely Economics.com/podcast.

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