Simple Ways To Stop Wasting Food artwork
Homely Economics

Simple Ways To Stop Wasting Food

  • S1E5
  • 13:57
  • April 27th 2020

Food waste has been a hot topic for some time now, and I've already written a couple of articles about it on the blog. However, right now, it's more relevant than ever. Even for those of us who can afford to throw extra cash at the supermarket till, the process of going out and buying food has become a bit more complicated and laborious.

Lots of people feel anxious about leaving the house to go to the supermarket, so they'd rather make the most of what they have. Because of this, food frugality has taken on a new importance.

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Homely Economics

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On this show, we're going to be talking about all things personal finance, including frugality, family, and the philosophy of money. My name is Lee, and I write at

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