Hospitality Sales Show 11 - Goals and Luck artwork
Hospitality Sales Podcast

Hospitality Sales Show 11 - Goals and Luck

  • S1E11
  • 24:16
  • December 20th 2020

Every year around this time I make my new year's resolutions - except mine end up as an 8 page excel spreadsheet. You might think I am crazy for doing this but I think you are crazy if you don't! In this podcast I talk about the hows and whys of goal setting.

Hospitality Sales Podcast

A bi-weekly story to help grow your sales. We take the approach to sales that our buyers have changed, so we better update our skill set to better exceed their expectations. Building relationships will always be relevant, but they way we do it today is simply different. We really need to figure out some ways to build better relationships online, using digital as a help, not an inconvenience. In this somehat quirky podcast, we will try to give you some guidance or inspiration in a nontraditional sense. We will share stories, cool tools, some good research and we hope a little humor here and there.