Breaking Radio, Real Estate, and Restaurants with Mark Bucher artwork
How I Broke That

Breaking Radio, Real Estate, and Restaurants with Mark Bucher

  • E7
  • 33:39
  • February 22nd 2022

From radio and real estate to restaurants, Mark Bucher has done it all. He’s shattered norms along the way, adding incredible achievements to his list along the way — closing several hundreds of leases in a few years’ time, hosting an entrepreneurial radio show on CBS and the NFL Players Association, forming multiple “Best Of” restaurants, feeding the hungry in DC, and so much more.

Of course, these ventures have had near breaks —and plenty of real, shattering moments— throughout the years. How did Mark Bucher take these challenges head-on and build his businesses stronger? Listen along to find out.

How I Broke That

For better or worse, most business owners have “broken” themselves, their business, or their industry at some point. Josh Chernikoff, a serial entrepreneur who has successfully grown (and broken) three bootstrapped businesses, interviews other entrepreneurs to learn how they built, broke, and rebuilt within their industry. Each episode will simultaneously induce cringes and provide comfort in helping you realize you are not alone in breaking something on your path to innovation.

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